The stablecoin PYUSD di PayPal sta arrivando su Solana


PayPal, one of the global giants in payments, recently announced that its stablecoin PYUSD will soon be available on the Solana blockchain, almost a year after its debut on the Ethereum blockchain.

Questo lancio potrebbe segnare un punto di svolta significativo per PYUSD, una criptovaluta che finora non è riuscita a catturare l’interesse del mercato nonostante il suo supporto di marca.

The stablecoin of Payapal  PYUSD on Ethereum and the choice of Solana 

When PYUSD was launched on Ethereum, it was expected that PayPal’s reputation could confer a certain security and trust to investors in the cryptocurrency market. 

However, the expected success did not materialize. Currently, PYUSD has about 8,600 holders on Ethereum and a market capitalization slightly below $400,000. These numbers are tiny compared to the giants of stablecoins like Circle’s USDC and Tether’s USDT, which dominate the market with market capitalizations of billions of dollars and millions of holders.

The transfer of PYUSD to Solana is a strategic move that could provide several advantages. Solana is known for its high performance, with very fast transaction speeds and extremely low transaction costs compared to Ethereum. 

Questo potrebbe rendere PYUSD più attraente per gli utenti che cercano una stablecoin efficiente per le transazioni quotidiane e le applicazioni decentralizzate (dApp).

Furthermore, Solana has gained popularity as the blockchain of choice for many developers and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) projects, thanks to its scalability and low fees. The integration of PYUSD into this vibrant ecosystem could stimulate greater use of the stablecoin, expanding its adoption.

Potential benefits for PYUSD

Il lancio su Solana potrebbe portare diversi benefici a PYUSD:

  1. Better Scalability: Solana is capable of handling a high number of transactions per second (TPS), much higher than Ethereum. This scalability could support a more widespread use of PYUSD without the bottlenecks that often plague Ethereum during periods of high demand.
  2. Reduced Transaction Costs: One of the major criticisms of Ethereum is the high gas fees. Solana offers much lower fees, making PYUSD more convenient for frequent and small amount transactions.
  3. Access to a New Market: Solana has a rapidly growing community of users and developers. Being present on this blockchain could expose PYUSD to new users who might not have considered the stablecoin on Ethereum.
  4. Integration with dApp: Solana hosts numerous innovative decentralized applications. PYUSD could be integrated into these dApp, increasing its usage and relevance in the DeFi ecosystem.

Despite the potential benefits, PYUSD must face some significant challenges to become a prominent stablecoin. The competition with USDC and USDT remains intense. These stablecoins have built strong trust among users and are widely used in the crypto world.

Moreover, the stability and security of Solana have been questioned in the past due to various incidents of downtime and attacks. PayPal will need to ensure that PYUSD maintains its integrity and security on the new blockchain to avoid trust issues among users.


The launch of PYUSD on Solana represents a bold move by PayPal to relaunch its stablecoin and capture a larger share of the cryptocurrency market. If PayPal manages to leverage the advantages of Solana, such as scalability and low transaction costs, PYUSD could see a significant increase in adoption and usage.

However, the road to success is not guaranteed. PYUSD will have to face the tough competition of established stablecoins and prove that it can offer added value to users and developers in the crypto ecosystem. Only time will tell if this strategic move will bring PYUSD the hoped-for success or if it will remain a niche cryptocurrency in the vast landscape of cryptocurrencies.